Presenter: Yale Law School
Spoke about privacy and AI. Also discussed 3D printing, copyright and surveillance.
Spoke about privacy and AI. Also discussed 3D printing, copyright and surveillance.
Group closed this year.
Joined this group in 2014.
Had a few really good meetings with the LibreOffice team. Helped my friend Gordon with info on how to join the contribution. He worked on the spreadsheet program. I simply reviewed Writer docs. When I took a look at the source, I was like… wowwwwwwwwwww Sloppy.
When I was a student, I was invited to Harvard Berkman Center because I was taking a course: Intellectual Property in Cyberspace. I was also working with Wendy Seltzer on the DVD Discuss case. The group was very awesome. I worked with Peter Junger, Rick Moen, Rares Marian, and many more! During lunch, I approached…
This was a presentation about usability, not so much APIs. Tools, utilities and apps were recommended and provided.
I wrote a Debian get started guide. My favorite part is where I offer instructions to uninstall LibreOffice. By the way, has anyone really looked at the code? I have. Slop! So, there are numerous places LibreOffice/Document Foundation did not properly rebrand. There is a DLL required? Anyway, here are the instructions.
Created the desktop and pi images for Kids on computers. The year before, they had set up a lab but did not know how to truncate an image and needed to find and purchase larger SD cards in Mexico. At the time I was working remotely for Arizona State University as a consultant. Here is…
Worked on a few projects. Held workshops at Arizona State University for the Linux User Group, Gangplank makerspace, Linux + Pi at a tea shop, and Queen Creek Library. BDFL of Copper Linux, a GNU Linux User Group. Created an image with Deep Learning tools and OpenCV.
Rally, Protest and Court When I heard Don Marti was organizing a protest in San Francisco, I had to go. Free Dmitry was a great way to help someone and get out the message about the DMCA. Don was the editor in chief of LinuxJournal. At that time, I am not sure what his role…