Template for presentations
I shared the template used for the fosdem talks.
I shared the template used for the fosdem talks.
Created the desktop and pi images for Kids on computers. The year before, they had set up a lab but did not know how to truncate an image and needed to find and purchase larger SD cards in Mexico. At the time I was working remotely for Arizona State University as a consultant. Here is…
In 2016, I was given a beaglebone black from cfengine to write up instructions to use with Yocto. Originally, they hired me to do this on pi. Promised more work but this was a write up for a conference and was not transparent. The idea was to teach at the 8th grade level. However, as…
Joined this group in 2014.
Really easy to setup and use. So far…
I created a set of images for raspberry pi and desktop with tools/apps/utils and configurations for using deep learning. The image included demos and get started materials for anyone interested in Deep or Machine Learning. The demos include Yolov3, Tensorflow and pre-trained models and a model downloading tool.