W3C: WebID Community Group
Joined this group in 2014.
Joined this group in 2014.
In this article, I offer information about floating point representations in more detail, and answer questions such as which precision are compatible with different hardware. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/should-i-choose-fp16-or-fp32-for-my-deep-learning-model.html
The reason I did this write up is, just an informative piece. Maybe I should have also done one about using base64 to encode, not encrypt . https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/verify-md5sum.html
In this article, I demonstrate how to tweak the Deep Learning Developer Kit to work on raspberry pi 3 and use the optimizer and downloader. This was not supported by Intel, but I was able to get this working and the instructions are found on the site. However, the content system was changed so the…
I worked on the demo for American Sign Recognition. Most were good. A few were “iffy”. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/community/american-sign-rec.html
I wrote a Debian get started guide. My favorite part is where I offer instructions to uninstall LibreOffice. By the way, has anyone really looked at the code? I have. Slop! So, there are numerous places LibreOffice/Document Foundation did not properly rebrand. There is a DLL required? Anyway, here are the instructions. https://wiki.openoffice.org/w/images/0/02/Debian-quickinstall-oo.pdf
So, I was censored. I posted the lessons for the youth on https://norwich.ai This site has no offending content. There is one post with an embedded video with instructions on how to create geometry dash. The odd thing was the student went to the site and we could see it for a second but then…